Why Board Certified Entomologists?
The correct pest control solution comes when you have correctly identified the pest you’re dealing with. That’s why we only trust the word of our Board Certified Entomologists and their long-standing reputations in the industry. Their extensive knowledge and experience make their input and expertise untouchable. Hope and Philip are not only Entomologists, but they have pest control experience that makes their knowledge beyond reproach and their dedication to their customers unmatched. As we celebrate our 130th anniversary as the original pest control company in New England, we know how important experience and expertise is.
What Can They Do for You?
Whether it’s at a home or a business, misidentifying a pest can not only waste time, but it could make your issue worse than it originally was. The wrong product being used can intensify an infestation or just force pests into more difficult hiding spaces. The biggest issue is cost. If you’re paying to treat the wrong pest, you are wasting money. Then you’ll have to pay to treat for the correct pest. Best to do it right the first time with a properly identified pest by a trusted, Board Certified Entomologist.